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Just for sharing from mama

Mungkin ramai yang dah tahu petua ini tapi tidak dipraktikkan dan
kepada mereka yang belum tahu teruskan membaca.

Pastikan blender anda itu betul dicuci dengan sempurna sebelum kita menyimpan untuk kegunaan seterusnya.

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan:
1. Blender/Mixer
2. Kulit telur
3. Sedikit bahan pencuci
4. Sedikit air

1. Masukan sedikit air dan sedikit bahan pencuci ke dalam blender/mixer.
2. Ambil kulit telur dan masukkan sekali ke dalam belnder/mixer tersebut.
3. ?ON?kan blender/mixer anda tu sehigga beberapa ketika.
4. Basuh dengan air sehingga bersih.

Kulit telur yang anda masukan kedalam blender/mixer tersebut akan hancur satelah anda ?ON? blender/mixer tersebut.

Kulit telur yang telah hancur itu sebenarnya berperanan sebagai ?pemberus? bagi mencuci blende/mixer anda.

Selain blender/mixer, petua ini juga boleh digunakan untuk membasuh bekas minuman/botol air/kole air yang sukar dibasuh.

1. Masukan sedikit air dan bahan pencuci kedalam bekas minuman/botol air.
2. Masukan kulit telur yang telah dihancurkan,.
3. Goncangkan bekas minuman/botol air sehingga kekotoran hilang.
4. Basuhlah dengan air sehingga bersih.

Sungguh mudahkan petua ini?
Kenapa tak percaya?
Belum cuba belum tau.
Dah cuba amalkan selalu.
Dan seterusnya sebarkan ilmu yang anda amalkan ini kepada orang lain.


Kami sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan
kepada semua keluarga dan sahabat handai jauh & dekat ...
Kami mohon ampun & maaf kiranya ada perkara
mahupun e-mail yg menyinggung perasaan
Semoga ALLAH s.w.t merahmati anda sekeluarga .

Anak Dollah makan lepat
Makan lepat sambil melompat
Nak hantar kad raya dah tak sempat
Pakai email dan blog pun kira ok what?

Maaf Zahir & Batin

Why Drink Coconut Water?

The best nature's own soft drink.

We can find lots of coconut trees grow in tropical coastal areas. It form parts of the nature that makes the scenery along the coastal area very beautiful like Terengganu, Malaysia where my home is.

Most coconut water is still consumed fresh - once exposed to air, the liquid rapidly loses most of its organoleptic an nutritional characteristics, and begins to ferment.

Coconut Water contains organic compounds possessing healthy growth promoting properties that have been known to help:-
1. Keep the body cool and at the proper temperature
2. Orally re-hydrate your body, it is an all natural isotonic beverages
3. Carry nutrients and oxygen to cells
4. Naturally replenish your body's fluids after exercising
5. Raise your metabolism
6. Promote weight loss
7. Boost your immune system
8. Detoxify and fight viruses
9. Cleanse your digestive tract
10. Control diabetes
11. Aid your body in fighting viruses that cause the flu, herpes, and AIDS
12. Balance your PH and reduce risk of cancer
13. Treat kidney and urethral stones
14. Boost poor circulation

According th Mortin Satin, Chief of the United Nation's Food & Agricultural Organisation, "Coconut water is the very stuff of nature, biologically pure, full of natural sugars, salts and vitamins to ward off fatigue and is the next wave of energy drinks BUT natural".

Comparison coconut water with sports & energy drinks:-
a) More Potassiun (about 294 mg)than most sports drinks (117 mg) and most energy drinks.
b) Less Sodium (25 mg), sports drinks around 41 mg, energy drinks about 200 mg.
c) Natural Sugars (5 mg) where sports & energy drinks range from 10-25 mg of Altered Sugars.
d) High Chloride (118 mg) compare to sports drinks (39 mg).

Why Drink CocoWater
= Naturally pure; Low in Carbs; 99% Fat Free; and Low in Sugars

If you come to visit Kuala Terengganu, don't forget to drink CocoWater.
Price of a whole coconut in Kuala Terengganu range from RM3-RM5.
It is a very popular and good isotonic drinks during hot weather.

A True Experience - H1N1

Mama received this story from a friend in KL - a true experience of a family who had virus H1N1.

Here's her story:-
Just a small but but meaningful info from me to you and your friends. My personal experience of H1N1 since it practically hit us like a time bomb......

One Tuesday morning, my staff was crying herself sick. She was told that her son was confirmed of H1N1 in his Uni at Kangar, worse was that when he was bedridden 2 days the warden did not even bother to sent to hospital till his dad came from KL and with is friends assistance brought him to GH Kangar.

At the hospital, no one bothered and he was put in the normal ward for another 2 days, after 2 days his eyes were turning yellow and saliva greenish, then he was put in quarantined room.

His son called her to say "minta maaf & ampunkan dosa dia, etc.." then she practically fainted just telling me the story... can't do much cos she don't have enoucht mone to go to the north with her hubby.

We tried to help her. Firstly, we did was made her call the hospital and insist that they sent him to Sg Buloh Hospital or any other hospital in KL since they seemed to be more alert and more equipt, but they refused of course, so I sent her off to Kangar the same day to solve the problem.

Whilst this was happening, SUBHANALLAH, I had a call from one Ustaz who was in town to "help cure" another H1N1 child in Shah Alam... and was told this simple prescription by him... of course "kena redha pada ALLAH & niat dengan sesungguhnya serta Selawat 3x, Insyallah".


For those with sore throat please blend the apples and keep on taking till your fever disappear and you symtoms are gone. (I cannot explain it but the child in Shah Alam was ok too after taking this tip)

ALHAMDULLILLAH, my staff's son was given the apple juice for the whole day on Monday/Tuesday and dengan kuasa ALLAH he was out of the fever yesterday Wednesday. She called me and was crying on the phone to say that her son was out of ICU and was able to eat normally (all these happened within just 4 days today, 6 August 2009).

So please, to those who happend to read this article, just share out this small info could assist others as well, Insyallah. No harm in trying and kuasa ALLAh anything can happen.



Pagi tadi sempena hari Jumaat bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini, mama menghadiri majlis ilmu yang membincangkan tentang amalan di bulan Ramadhan. Satu perkara yang menarik perhatian mama tadi, ustaz penceramah bercerita tentang keadaan 'roh di bulan Ramadhan'.

Menurut satu hadith Rasulullhah (maaf mama tak sempat mencatat perawi hadis ini) menceritakan apabila tiba bulan Ramadhan, semua roh berkumpul di Luh Mahfuz memohon kepada Allah S.W.T untuk kembali ke bumi. Ada roh yang dibenarkan pulang ke bumi dan ada yang tidak dibenarkan. Roh yang dibenarkan pulang adalah kerana amalan baik mereka semasa hayat mereka atau pun ada penjamin-penjamin yang mendoakan mereka. Manakala roh-roh yang tidak dibenarkan pulang disebabkan kesalahan mereka semasa hayat mereka akan terus dipenjara di Luh Mahfuz.

Apabila roh dibenarkan pulang, perkara pertama yang mereka lakukan adalah pergi ke tanah perkuburan untuk melihat jasad mereka. Kemudian mereka akan pergi ke rumah anak-anak mereka, orang yang mendapat harta pusaka mereka dan ke rumah orang yang mendoakan mereka dengan harapan orang yang mereka lawati itu memberi hadiah untuk bekalan mereka. Perkara ini akan berlarutan sehinggalah tibanya Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Pada saat ini mereka akan mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada jasad dan pulang semula ke Luh Mahfuz dengan bekalan yang diberikan oleh mereka2 yang masih hidup.

Disini ustaz memberitahu hikmah adanya alam kubur. Alam kubur membuktikan bahawa Allah itu Maha Penyayang. Orang yang melalukan kesalahan semasa hayatnya bole dibantu dengan doa orang2 yang mashih hidup. Alangkah bahagianya jika sesaorang yang telah meninggalkan dunia masih mendapat bekalan dari orang2 yang masih hidup.

"Sesunggnunya apabila mati seseorang anak Adam itu, terputuslah semua hal kecuali 3 perkara iaitu: 1) doa anak2 yang soleh 2) ilmu yang dimenafaatkan dan 3) sedekah amal jariah.

Oleh itu jangan biarkan orang2 yang kita sayang, yang pergi mengadap Illahi terlebih dahulu sepi tanpa doa dan sedekan daripada kita.

"Setinggi mana kasih sayangku, Allah lebih berhak menyangimu, Damailah engku disana dibawah rahmat dan kasih sayang Nya, Sesungguhnya aku akan menyusulmu dikemudian hari..."

Al-Fatihah buat semua muslimin dan muslimat yang telah pergi. Amin.

Good or Bad, hard to say!

A short story just for sharing.

Once upon a time, there was a king. The king liked one of his followers very much because he was very wise and always gave very useful advice. Therefore the king took him along wherever he went.

One day, the king was bitten by a dog, the finger was injured and the wound was getting worse. He asked the follower if that was a bad sign.The follower said, "Good or bad, hard to say". In the end, the finger of the king was too bad that had to be cut. The king asked the follower again if that was a bad sign. Again, the follower gave the same answer, "Good or bad, hard to say". The king became very angry and sent the follower to prison.

One fine day, the king went hunting in the jungle. He got excited when he was on the chase of a deer. Deeper and deeper he went inside the jungle, in the end he found himself lost. To make thing worse, he got captured by the native people lived inside the jungle.

They wanted to sacrifice him to their god. But when they noticed that the king had one finger short, they released him immediately as the was not a perfect man anymore and not suitable for sacrifice. The king managed to get back to his palace. And he finally understood the follower's wise quote, "Good or bad, hard to say". If he hadn't lost one finger he could have been killed by the native people.

He ordered to release the follower, and apoligised to him. But to the king amaze, the follower was not mad at him at all. Instead, the follower said "It wasn't a bad thing that you locked me up." Why?... Because if the king hadn't locked the follower up, he would have brought the follower along to the jungle. If the native fould the king was not suitable, they would have use the follower instead. Again. the quote "Good or bad, hard to say" stands.

The moral of the story:

Everything that happens in this world, there is no absolute good or bad. Sometimes good things turned out to be bad things eventually, while bad things become a gain.

Whatever good things that happen to you, enjoy it, but don't have to hold too tight to it, treat it as a surprise in your life. And whatever bad things that happen to you, don't have to feel too sad or despair, in the end, it might not be a total bad thing after all.

If one can understand this, he or she will find life much easier and live happily ever after.

Thank you for reading.